Professional Patient Advocates in Michigan

What is a patient advocate?

A patient advocate is a person who helps navigate a patient through the healthcare system. They act as a singular point of contact for medical patients as they seek, receive, and manage healthcare services. They assist patients with everything including help going through the screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of medical conditions. Patient advocates provide a plethora of services such as helping patients set up appointments for doctor visits and medical tests and get financial, legal, and social support. Generally, a family member serves as a de facto patient advocate for a loved one suffering from medical conditions or injuries. However, there is an increasing demand for professional patient advocates as they are equipped with the right training and expertise to deal with the intricacies of the complex healthcare system. Irrespective of whether or not an elderly or injured person has a family member to take care of them, more and more people are turning to professional patient advocates in old age or while suffering from the injury.

Professional Patient Advocates in Michigan

Do you need professional patient advocates?

Despite the growing popularity of patient advocates, we often have people asking us whether they really need a patient advocate. Our answer is simple. When you need help with your taxes, you call your accountant. When you face a legal problem, you call your lawyer. Similarly, when you need help or guidance with the healthcare system, you call a patient advocate. A patient advocate is your single point of contact for almost all your medical needs. They guide you regarding everything related to your care, treatment, and other medical services.

Now, there are several reasons why one needs a patient advocate in times of injury, illness, or old age. These are:

  • A patient advocate examines the patient’s medical bills, check for errors, and even negotiate lower payments. This is a huge relief as, during these times, there are dozens of medical bills piling up, and managing them can get overwhelming for the family. Moreover, you might end up saving thousands of dollars.
  • A patient advocate might also negotiate with insurers who’ve rejected policyholders for coverage. Due to their experience in the field, they’re better equipped to press the insurance companies to cover claims on behalf of the patient as compared to the patient’s family members.
  • An important part of a patient advocate’s job is to help find clients the best care available within the given resources. They will conduct in-depth clinical research and find appropriate doctors. So they help patients find doctors, hospitals, and specialists. They also assist the patients to choose their doctors, discuss treatment options, manage prescriptions, or accompany patients to doctor appointments to take notes and ask questions.
  • There are various problems and hurdles in a patient’s treatment and care. Patient advocates identify challenges with your care and brainstorm solutions. They work collaboratively with the patient’s family and healthcare providers to find the best solution in the patient’s interests.

Hence, it is advisable to have a professional patient advocate by your side when you’re suffering from disease, injury, or old age.

We, at Huron Case Management, provide case management and professional healthcare advocacy services in Royal Oak, Michigan. To know more and connect with our experts, contact us at (855) 487-6626 or (855) HURONCM.